Tuesday, December 6, 2016

World Vision’s Spark a Child’s Digital Future Program in Africa

Washington resident Ronald Newman serves as a managing member of the Milestone Companies, a real estate development and management company. Dedicated to serving his community, Ronald “Ron” Newman of Milestone supports several local and international organizations such as World Vision.

Although many individuals in the United States and other developed countries take technology for granted, World Vision has been using technology to promote its mission of helping communities tackle injustice and poverty. One of the organization’s many efforts is the Spark a Child’s Digital Future program.

In partnership with local government and corporate organizations, World Vision is establishing low-cost computer labs in rural Africa. These labs feature secure Internet and power connections, digital education materials that are relevant to the local communities, and extra-durable computers. 

By building these labs, the organization hopes to expand children’s understanding of technology. This will give them the opportunity to develop essential skills for the future while also helping them learn and connect with the world. Children are not the only ones who benefit from these labs. Community members and teachers also have access to the technology after school is done for the day.